Test automation tool designed so that everyone can automate functional tests

Reduce IT costs, fasten go-to-market with automated functional testing
Dedalus logo AgilitestCanal+ logo Agilitest

“Agilitest is a must-have for regression testing”

Béatrice Aubry,
Functional Validation Consultant

"We saved 30min per tester and per day"

Sébastien Lansiaux,
R&D Director

“Agilitest perfectly integrates with our CI/CD infrastructure.”

Laurent de Chevron Villette,
QA Director
Saved in test maintenance costs
Less manual testing
Divided time to push new client versions

Agilitest approach is simple: create, automate and maintain robust functional tests without coding skills.

You lose credibility with each release because of bugs and regressions? Your costs are largely related to test maintenance? This time is over with Agilitest.


Recognition of DOM objects is simple, quick and efficient.

  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Edge
  • Opera
  • IE

Create complex Cloud/Local validation scenarios

  • WPF
  • .NET
  • All native Windows technologies

Visualize the results of your tests in an internal webservice result viewer

  • SOAP
  • REST

Validate in a single test a feature on your mobile app and your website.

  • iOS
  • Android
codeless testing platform


Easy to use for testers, powerful for developers,
high-performing for all

Functional experts no longer need coding skills or the help of developers to easily create automated test strategies and run tests themselves.

The Agilitest interface has been designed for efficiency and provides users with a smooth experience. Creating automated functional tests has never been that intuitive.


Save time and peace of mind with functional test maintenance

75% of test automation costs go to test maintenance. This has to change. We got rid of Xpaths and created a much more robust way of identifying the components used to run the test. This innovative and powerful capture system makes tests less sensitive to software code changes. Forget about flaky tests.
Agilitest eases test maintenance
Agilitest reports


Detect regressions with actionable PDF, XML and video reports

When a test fails, being able to quickly and efficiently identify the reason for the fail is critical.

Agilitest automatically generates video test replays as well as XML and PDF reports containing key info on the test results, conditions and screenshots so that you can quickly determine if the test scenario needs to be maintained or if you're facing a regression.


Get rid of test providers barriers

Agilitest produces scripts in ActionTestScript (ATS) format, which are manually readable and editable.

The ATS format is Open Source: ATS scripts can be freely replayed in Agilitest or on any continuous integration systems supporting Java/TestNG.
ATS format

Discover how Agilitest will make your life easier.

What is functional test automation?

Automated functional testing aims at verifying that your application or software does what it is designed to do. More specifically, when we talk about software testing, the objective is to test each functional element of your software to verify that the output is correct. Without functional testing, you cannot verify that your application meets its requirements.

See Agilitest in action. Schedule a demo

And see the benefits you can unlock from smart test automation.
The tests scenarios can be replayed in ATS, our Open-Source backbone.
For free and forever.
