Manage legacy testing application

Leverage legacy testing applications for better, safer and more robust test validation at lower costs.

See Agilitest in action. Join 99.9% of satisfied clients.

Why is legacy testing application challenging?

Manual validation

Legacy testing application is done manually by developers or project managers. It is time consuming and it generates roadblocks for development activities.

High maintenance

Legacy application testing inevitably becomes large and complex over the course of a large development project - making it impossible to test manually without consuming significant time and resources.

Poor quality

Legacy testing applications generate too much back and forth with clients, resulting in low quality problems.

Cost management

Legacy testing applications make it hard to maintain or increase the quality at the lowest cost or in check with QA budget. 

Discover Agilitest, a no-code functional automation platform for legacy testing

Agilitest is an intuitive suite so that everyone can automate functional tests at scale and optimize legacy testing applications
Manual test load
Saved in test maintenance costs
Saved in software validation
streamline tests - agilitest

Streamline tests 

Identifying redundancies that can be removed or maintaining multiple tests can be hard. Reduce the maintenance load of your automated tests because Xpaths are not your friends. Rely on Agilitest to perform highly repetitive tasks with large quantities of data. They can perform these tasks faster and with higher accuracy than humans, and can therefore be used to effectively mitigate risk in this area of testing.

Leverage test validation

Set up a more efficient and comprehensive validation system to test customized software developed for clients.Rely on videos that show your tests at the moment they failed to save you time in analysis.
leverage test validation agilitest
better path coverage agilitest

Get a better path coverage

Customers can now use complex user paths with multiple data, on multiple devices and with multiple navigators. Add depth to your tests by replaying them on extended data, a useful approach when your customers report bugs related to their data.

Improve data-driven testing

 Get the ability to add depth to your tests by replaying them on extended data. Deliver more accurate results when your customers report bugs related to their data.
data driven testing agilitest
save time and money agilitest

Save time and money

Eliminate automated tests maintained by developers and reclaim those resources for feature development, because your validation teams can automate tests with Agilitest.
Create complex and scalable automated user interface tests. Quickly produce tests which will cover 80% of your end-to-end business processes and reduce workload and delivery delays.

Powerful functional testing software tailored for legacy testing application

Agilitest provides intuitive, yet robust, features to manage legacy testing application effectively.

XML, PDF & video reports for faster feedbacks

Continuous integration with CI tools and Jenkins

Multiple and scalable test environments

Powerful locator for robust test maintenance 

Easy to use for testers, powerful for developers,
high-performing for all

Discover what Agilitest can do for QA Managers, Testers, Product Managers and Developers.

'We saved 30mn per tester and per day'

Sébastien Lansiaux, R&D Director at Dedalus
Read the success story

More resources about legacy testing application

Legacy software: why and how to automate testing?

👉 Read article

The daily hell of the functional tester

👉 Access ebook

The concept of shift left explained

👉 Get the Agile card

Frequently asked questions about legacy testing.

What is legacy testing? 

A legacy software is a software that has been in production for some time. It may have had several successive versions or code refactorings that correctly met the customers needs. The maintenance of this kind of solution can be reduced to a minimum: few evolutions and limited bug fixes. The maintenance can be ensured by a team composed of a part-time single person. This kind of software is "as is" as far as the testing and validation aspects are concerned, and everything is possible: manual tests galore or redundant tests, automated tests on several automation solutions, no data tests, no unit tests...

Why is legacy software testing important?

Legacy software testing is important because older software systems are often critical to business operations and can be difficult to replace or upgrade. Testing helps to identify any potential issues or bugs that may impact the functionality of the software, allowing them to be addressed before they cause problems.

How is legacy software testing different from testing newer software?

Legacy software testing is often more challenging than testing newer software because the older systems may not have documentation or support resources available. Additionally, the software may have been modified over time by different developers, making it more difficult to understand how it functions.

How often should legacy software be tested?

The frequency of legacy software testing will depend on the specific needs of the software and the business it supports. It is generally recommended to perform testing on a regular basis, such as every six months or annually, to ensure that the software is functioning properly and to identify any potential issues before they cause problems.

See Agilitest in action. Schedule a demo

And see the benefits you can unlock from smart test automation.
The tests scenarios can be replayed in ATS, our Open-Source backbone.
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