Simplify test maintenance

Ease test maintenance with simplified, yet robust test automation.

See Agilitest in action. Join 99.9% of satisfied clients.

Why is test maintenance challenging?

Too many false positives

 Analysis of flaky tests block the number of automated tests a team can manage.There's nothing more frustrating than a test suite that throws constant false positives — or tests that fail when they should pass. Flaky tests that generate false positives are a waste of time and frustrating for stakeholders, developers and testers and could make everyone second-guess the process.

Poor communication

Developers and testers have a hard time getting along on the maintenance actions to test. Moreover, most tool providers generate binary files that are "shareable" with versioning systems but don't allow any smart collaborative approach. This has to change.

Time & cost management

Manual validation is made by developers or project managers and takes too much time compared to development activities. On the other hand, regular changes of UI makes it hard to maintain automated tests. Time spent becomes hard to justify to stakeholders when it comes to creating and running tests, as well as the high cost of test-related services and infrastructure.

Discover Agilitest, a no-code functional automation platform for test maintenance

Agilitest is an intuitive suite so that everyone can automate functional tests at scale and optimize test maintenance.
Saved in analysis time
Saved in test maintenance costs
Saved in software validation
reduce time and costs - tests maintenance

Reduce time & costs

Lower the time and cost of writing tests by pooling functional test modules. Create complex and scalable automated user interface tests. Run automatically as part of a continuous integration (CI) after each new build or release candidate.

Simplify testing

Execute end-to-end tests across multiple operating systems, browsers and web applications. Use the same intuitive, no-code approach to automate any technology, from SAP to web services, desktop and mobile applications.
simplify testing - maintenance
path coverage - maintenance

Get a better path coverage

Customers can now use complex user paths with multiple data, on multiple devices and with multiple navigators. Add depth to your tests by replaying them on extended data, a useful approach when your customers report bugs related to their data.

Powerful functional testing software tailored for test maintenance

Agilitest provides intuitive, yet robust, features to simplify test maintenance.

XML, PDF & video reports for faster feedbacks

No Xpath to recognize graphical elements

Web, desktop, mobile, API and Neptune DXP testing

Easy test management with data driven testing

Easy to use for testers, powerful for developers,
high-performing for all

Discover what Agilitest can do for QA Managers, Testers, Product Managers and Developers.

'Agilitest allows us to maintain our functional tests easily'

Claire Fernandez, IT Project Manager at Andra 

More resources about test maintenance

How to use Agilitest for massive test executions

👉 Read article

The daily hell of the functional tester

👉 Access ebook

How to avoid lack of test maintenance?

👉 Read the article

Frequently asked questions about test maintenance.

What is test maintenance? 

Test maintenance is an integral aspect of test automation. Test maintenance is the process of fixing tests so they stay up to date with code changes. It is also important to update your automation framework infrastructure if there are any changes to the tools or third-party libraries that you use. Staying aware of these changes, especially in agile mode, is a big part of test maintenance, particularly when you handle regression testing. Moreover, to meet the demands of each sprint, many companies run their automated tests through continuous integration and continuous delivery. It’s important to include testing after each commit as part of your CI/CD pipeline to help your team identify and resolve issues more quickly.

Why is test maintenance important?

Test maintenance is important because tests can become outdated or no longer accurately retrieve the expected results. Keeping tests up-to-date ensures that they are reliable and valid measures of the intended content.

What are some examples of test maintenance activities?

Some examples of test maintenance activities include:
- Reviewing and updating test questions to ensure they are still relevant and accurate
- Adding or removing test questions based on changes in the content area being measured
- Adjusting the difficulty level of the test based on changes in the content area or the test-taking population
- Reviewing and updating the test scoring rubric
- Evaluating the reliability and validity of the test to ensure it is still a reliable measure of the intended skills or knowledge.

What are some best practices for test maintenance?

Some best practices for test maintenance include:
- Regularly reviewing and updating the test to ensure it remains relevant and accurate
- Involving subject matter experts in the test maintenance process
- Ensuring the test scoring rubric is clear and consistent
- Evaluating the reliability and validity of the test regularly to ensure it is a reliable measure of the intended skills or knowledge
- Keeping detailed documentation of all test maintenance activities.

See Agilitest in action. Schedule a demo

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The tests scenarios can be replayed in ATS, our Open-Source backbone.
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