Testing for Software Publishers

Manage product updates and comply with performance and quality issues. Easily create and maintain robust functional tests for innovative products and companies. 

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They use Agilitest for functional test automation

Dealing with the testing challenges for software publishers

Software editors face several functional testing challenges during the development and testing phase of their software products. Handling compatibility issues, automation resources, test maintenance between software versions and so on.

Discover Agilitest, the no-code automation platform to create and maintain robust functional tests for software publishers.

Reduce risks

Minimize human error, detect issues at an earlier stage, and ensure adherence to regulations so you can increase confidence in the integrity of both the system and service. 

Improve quality

Accelerate the delivery of softwares and technological innovations and maximize quality with a test automation solution that is easy to build, maintain, and scale.

Ease team work

Enable business profiles, QA teams and developers to contribute to test automation easily - for better tests, faster validation, and zero flaky tests. 

Agilitest is a no-code platform made for software publishers

Agilitest is an intuitive suite so that everyone can create, maintain and automate functional tests at scale. 

Made for DevOps

Integrate all your test executions with your favorite CI tools to trigger test runs automatically once the build is ready. Agilitest ATS format enables maximum compatibility with most used systems (Jenkins, Maven, TestNG, etc) for BFSI software testing.

Simplified maintenance

Agilitest lets you manage regular updates in heavy regulations and compliance requirements. We got rid of Xpaths and created a much more robust way to identify the components used to run the test. Our innovative and powerful capture system makes tests less sensitive to changes in software code.

Comprehensive end-to-end testing for complex environments

Agilitest streamlines the process of end-to-end test automation by providing native support for web, desktop, web service, mobile, API and SAP technologies. With the ability to incorporate an unlimited number of technologies, a single end-to-end test can validate all aspects of a realistic business process.

Efficient reporting

Agilitest streamlines test execution and reporting to enhance collaboration, productivity, and precision. Its video replays, XML and PDF reports enable faster and more continuous feedback loops throughout the pipeline.

Data-driven testing

Get the ability to add depth to your tests by replaying them on extended data. Deliver more accurate results when your customers report bugs related to their data.

"The time required to release new client versions has been divided by 5"

Julien Bresson, Enterprise Architect at Globaz
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Agilitest covers your software testing use cases

Regression testing

How to manage regression testing with better, smarter and more robust test automation.

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Continuous testing

How to leverage continuous testing with better, faster and more robust test automation at lower costs.

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Multi-device testing

How to automate multi-device testing for better path coverage and reduced costs.

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Legacy testing

How to leverage legacy testing applications for better, safer and more robust test validation at lower costs.

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Test maintenance

How to ease test maintenance with simplified, yet robust test automation.

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Test coverage

How to optimize test coverage with simplified, yet robust test automation.

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Frequently asked questions about testing for software publishers.

What are the testing challenges for software publishers?

Software publishers face several testing challenges during the development and testing phase of their software products. Some of the significant challenges are:

• Compatibility Testing: Software publishers must ensure that their software products run on different operating systems and platforms. This requires extensive compatibility testing to ensure that the software works as intended and that there are no compatibility issues.

• Localization: With software products being used in different countries and regions, software publishers must ensure that their products are localized and customized according to the target audience's language and cultural preferences. This requires thorough localization testing to identify any issues and ensure that the software works correctly in all languages and locales.

• User acceptance testing: Software publishers must ensure that their software products meet the users' expectations and are user-friendly. This requires thorough user acceptance testing to identify any usability issues and make the necessary improvements.

Compliance: Depending on the software product's industry and the target audience, software publishers may need to comply with specific regulations and standards. This requires conducting regulatory compliance testing to ensure that the software meets the necessary requirements.

Can Agilitest support testing for software publishers?

Agilitest is a software testing tool that specializes in automating functional testing for various applications and software companies, including software editors. Its features enable testers to create and execute complex test scenarios such as:

• Visual test automation: Agilitest has a visual test automation feature that lets testers replicate user interactions with the application to create test scenarios for softwares with complicated user interfaces and workflows.

• Data-driven testing: Testers can use data-driven testing to create test scenarios that simulate real-world usage scenarios, making it useful for software publishers that require complex data input or customization features.

• Test coverage analysis: Agilitest provides test coverage analysis to help testers measure how well their test scenarios cover the software's functionality. This ensures that all critical functions of a software or application are tested thoroughly.

• Cross-device testing: Agilitest's cross-device testing feature checks that the software functions as expected across different devices and browsers. It also verifies that the software integrates well with other systems or applications.

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And see the benefits you can unlock from smart test automation.
The tests scenarios can be replayed in ATS, our Open-Source backbone.
For free and forever.
