Testing Success Stories

Discover how our clients use Agilitest to automate functional tests

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Globaz success story
How ERI relied on Agilitest to industrialize automated testing

"Agilitest has brought benefits, including an overall improvement in the quality of results."

ERI uses automated testing to check for regression. In addition, ERI initially relied on a historic test automation platform. Although maintained, this solution did not evolve and did not allow APIs to be tested. Furthermore, many tests were flaky during execution.  ERI therefore looked for a new solution.
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"The time required to release new client version has been divided by 5"

As a software publisher, Globaz has to test applications during multiple deployments on several environments. Discover how they saved execution time thanks to Agilitest to reinvest it in the automation of others tests that were not yet implemented.
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Globaz success story
How Globaz used Agilitest to reduce on regression load
bambinou success story
How L'Oréal used Agilitest to automate scenarios

"Our continuous deployment pipeline now limits false positives"

The goal of L'Oréal is then to find a platform that brings together development and engineering teams, to follow updates on a regular basis with no issues with technological constraints.
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"We saved 30min per tester and per day"

When Dedalus met Agilitest, the company had a team of functional testers who tested all the paths manually. Discover how they managed to improve on non-regression tests.
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dedalus success story
How Dedalus used Agilitest to avoid bugs
bambinou success story
How Bambinou used Agilitest to automate tests

"We have gained a peace of mind that is priceless"

Before discovering Agilitest, Bambinou was testing its key paths by hand. Discover how they are automating their functional tests with no in-house developers.
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"We managed to reduce our TNR load by 60%"

Floa' business team needed to automate tests without technical skills. Discover how they used Agilitest to reproduce complete scenarios including different technological solutions.

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floa success story
How Floa used Agilitest to reduce on non-regression load
floa success story
How axYus used Agilitest to guarantee quality of service

"Our customers satisfaction has increased due to the quality of the service provided"

axYus must guarantee quality of service, optimized cost and speed of execution, from application creation to their acceptance. The company decided to deploy a no-code functional test automation solution, trusting Agilitest and its platform.
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The tests scenarios can be replayed in ATS, our Open-Source backbone.
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