Reduce time-to-market with automated functional testing

Agilitest is a no-code test automation tool designed to create and maintain automated functional tests at scale. Empower testers and QA teams, improve software quality.
The test scenarios you create can be replayed in ATS, our Open-Source language, for free and forever.
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They trust Agilitest for software testing automation

Made for those who want to make Continuous Delivery a reality

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Want to Shift Left
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Tired of flaky tests
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Over with manual testing

Agilitest functional test automation platform is intuitive, robust and open source

Functional Test Automation becomes a no-brainer.
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Unlock no-code scripting experience

Agilitest no-code platform is so intuitive that you no longer need coding skills or the help of developers to easily create automated test scripts. Agilitest scripts are open source and can be replayed for free and forever.
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Reduce maintenance costs to a minimum

Maintaining tests represent up to 75% of testing costs. Test maintenance is reduced to minimum with our robust capture system. Tests are little sensitive to software code changes.‍‍
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Leverage reporting, limit regressions

When a test fails, quickly and efficiently identify why it is critical with test reports in XML, PDF formats as well as video replays. Forget about flaky tests and false positives.
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Perfect for the Agile team

Agilitest integrates with CI/CD tools and Jenkins, and is made to support regular sprints and deployment without manual testing.

It introduces a common language to work on bugs and issues highlighted by test campaigns, bringing collaboration between testers and developers to a whole new level.

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Accessible to non coders
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Works cross-platform
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Simple to deploy
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Easy to maintain

Agilitest helps you achieve your functional testing and automation goals


Your challenges

Answer all functional test use cases and type of testing from regression testing, cross browser testing, test maintenance to continuous testing. 
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Your profile

Reconcile testers and developers with a high-performing platform. Create tests with a common testing framework.
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Your technologies

Unify your toolchain with one single platform that covers Web apps, SAP, Android & iOS apps, Mobile web, Webservices & APIs.
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floa bank

"We managed to reduce our regression tests load by 60%"

See how Floa Bank used Agilitest to automate multi-device testing and reduce manual testing.

How does it work?


Set up

Download and install Agilitest in 2 minutes. Agilitest software works on desktop running under Windows operating system. 


Rely on Agilitest's powerful capture tool to create your first test scenarios. You don’t need any coding skills to create your tests. 


Integrates with CI/CD tools. Support regular sprints and deployment without manual testing. Detect regressions with PDF, XML and video reports. 

See Agilitest in action. Schedule a demo

Gain peace of mince and save up to 75% on test maintenance costs.
The tests scenarios can be replayed in ATS, our Open-Source backbone.
For free and forever.
