
Activation of Agilitest

You have just ordered an Agilitest license and you should have received your customer ID. If this is not the case, please contact our sales department who will provide it to you. (mail : )

How to activate your Agilitest licence

Here is all the information necessary to obtain the activation of your licenses on your workstations, this operation must be done for each license and for each workstation:

  • Connect to the computer on which you want to activate the license.
  • Launch Agilitest and click on the license activation banner at the top
 License activation banner  
  • Display of the license activation popup
  • Enter your account identifier in the "Create or modify your account identifier" field
  • Click on "Change Account"
  • If the number of activated licenses is less than the number of licenses you have ordered, activation should be effective:
Agilitest activated
  • If you click Help at the top right, you should see the activation information appear (machine name, user name, system id, customer id, email, company and expiration date).
Activation information

If the activation is not done, please contact our sales department or send a request to:

You can also contact us if you have activated a license on the wrong extension or if you want to change the extension.

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