Agilitest supports web application automation on 5 browsers:
- Chrome
- Firefox
- MSEdge
- Brave
Agilitest supports the latest browser versions thanks to frequent ATS updates.
In some cases, if you have special needs and are not connected to the ATS server, here's how to configure your Web drivers manually:
Click on the "Help" menu in the top right-hand corner of the Agilitest editor.
Then, click on the browser you wish to version
This will take you to the browser's support page.
You can also access all web driver versions by system using this link:
On the Agilitest side, insert the following lines in your .atsProperties file:
To know more, you can consult the documentation on Web drivers.
Create a first Web test
To get started, you need to open a channel on the web browser of your choice so that Agilitest can communicate with that browser.
By default, Agilitest will find the installation of the main browsers on the market.
Click on "Start channel" in the actions menu,
Select the browser you want to use.
You'll then need to specify which URL your application is located at, which may be a local or Internet link.
To do this, click on the Navigation > Browser URL action.
Enter the URL
From here, you'll need to switch to capture mode to select DOM elements, perform actions and controls, and finalize your test.
How to execute a test on multiple browsers?
Once you have exectued your first test, you can quite easily execute it on multiple browsers, by doing the following:
Create a single-column CSV file and fill in the browsers you are interested in.
To do this, simply click on "New component" and on the CSV file.
Next, you need to iterate over the values in the CSV file by performing a sub-script call.
- Create a new script
- Drop your main script from the Project Explorer into the Edit window, to create a "Call script" action.
- Drop the CSV file on this new action, to generate an iterative call on the CSV file.
Simply modify your initial script slightly, to vary the browser name:
In the "Start a channel" action, replace the hard-coded browser name with the variable $param(0)
This is the value of the first column in your CSV file on which your sub-script call will be iterated.
In Agilitest, you can use variables in several places to increase the reusability of scripts and files. For more information, see our documentation on passing parameters to a sub-script.
You can also create an environment variable accessible from your project's runtime parameters.
To use them in your scripts, use the $env(parameter_name). function.
For further information, please consult the documentation on variables.
🔸 Warning
Although it is possible to open several different browsers in the same script, it is not possible to open the same browser several times.