
Activation of the automation module

Agilitest support the tests automation on Android devices.

Prerequisites on the Android terminal

  • Enable the smartphone's developer mode to allow "USB Debugging"
  1. Go to the settings.
  2. At the very bottom, go to "About the device" (or in "System - About the device", on some models).
  3. Press the Build Number box several times (seven times) until a message appears "You are now a developer". You have just activated the developer mode on Android.
  4. Return to the main settings menu, you will then see a new sub-menu: "Options for developers" or "Development options" depending on the manufacturer customization.
  5.  In the developer options, enable "USB Debugging".
  6. Disable all the automatic screen locking functions.
  7. Connect the Android terminal on USB.
  8. Connect the Android terminal to the same WiFi network as the one to which you are connecting Agilitest.
  • On Windows 7, install the developer driver provided by your phone manufacturer. For example, here is the driver for Samsung Devices. After installing the driver, an "Android ADB Interface" line appears in the Windows Device Manager by connecting the phone via USB.

Prerequisites on Agilitest

  • In the "Help" menu, click on the link dedicated to downloading "AtsMobileStation" in agreement with your OS (Windows or Mac OS)
  • Run the downloaded package "AtsMobileStation.exe or .dmg" to install this mobile device detection module locally

Start of test automation

Launch ATS Mobile Station. The first screen displays that there are no devices found, but the system starts scanning the USB ports. If this screen persists, make sure that you have connected your Android device to the USB port on your PC and that it is in developer mode..

ATS Mobile Station has just discovered a connected Android device and is configuring the connection.

Finally, the terminal is found, configured and ready for use. Get the IP address of the connected terminal to enter it in Agilitest.

In Agilitest, create the ATS script that suits you and insert the "Start channel" action and select "Mobile".

Start a channel on mobile devices

Enter the IP address of the connected terminal, click on "Discover" and then select the installed application you want to launch automatically:
 Click on "Ok" to finalize the pairing.

Enter your Android device's IP adress

The opening action of the mobile application is configured in Agilitest.

The action "Start channel" on an Android device

The activation of the capture in Agilitest opens an remote display of the screen of the controlled terminal in order to automate directly above the desired actions.

Saving the settings for launching a mobile application

You can save this setting for launching the desired application in your ATS settings as follows:

Click on the "Settings" button on the top right.

Click on the "Edit configuration" button (this opens the.atsProperties file in your default text editor)

Fill in the configuration file by naming the application and filling in the URL previously defined


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