
Settings menu

When using Agilitest for the first time or during its use, you can configure the software to optimize its use. Agilitest works mainly with the ATS and Java (JDK) packages that will be used to create, maintain and execute automated projects.

At the top right of the editor there are various support menus including the "Settings" menu.

settings button in editor

Click on the “Settings” button to open the window in the editor

Settings page

Agilitest settings

Error reporting

You can enable error reports (or logs) by checking the "Error reporting" box.

error reporting

Three log options are available:

  • The Startup logs, in case Agilitest crashes at launch

Then the test execution logs which will display technical errors (related to a driver, not functional errors):

  • To open the current logs, empty by default, which display the last created logs
  • To open the logs directory in your Windows explorer and have access to the logs history


In this configuration menu, you can also change the language to English or French.

choice of french or english

Mandatory tools

There are two prerequisites for the proper functioning of Agilitest: the ATS package and the JDK.

ATS settings

Agilitest requires an up-to-date ATS library to operate.

ats settings

From these configurations you can :

  • Create a configuration: This will create a global configuration of ATS in the system. By clicking on it you can modify the configuration.
  • Download ATS components
  • Download ATS-OpenCv
  • Create a Neoload configuration
  • Open a Maven directory
  • Open an ATS directory

How to set up ATS?

It is also possible to configure some of the functions of the Agilitest editor via the .atsProperties configuration file.

To access the ATS properties, click on the "edit configuration" button of the ATS settings

edit configuration button

The currently allowed parameters are as follows:

  • Default number of executions of each action in the editor before deciding on a failure. By default they are set to 10.
maxtry code

  • Positioning of windows opened automatically by the editor. By default, the coordinates of the upper left corner are set to x=20 and y=20.
  • Sizing of the windows opened automatically by the editor: width and height set by default to 1500 x 960
window position and size code

  • Management of the "timeOut” on the execution of the scripts and the loading of the web pages. By default, it is set to 60ms and 120ms
TimeOut code

  • Management of access paths to different browsers and specific waiting times for each of them:
path to browsers

  • Management of access paths to the various Windows desktop applications installed on the computer. A shortcut will be automatically created from the "Applications" menu in the startup action of a channel.
path to windows applications

You will find the application registered in the properties directly in the applications when you open a channel

🔸 Warning

The access paths will have to be adapted according to your configuration.

Java (JDK) settings

Java allows to load, compile and execute ATS projects.

From the configuration menu it is possible to download the JDK or to enter the path to a JDK already existing in your computer.

java jdk settings

🔸 Warning

You need at least a version 11 of the JDK for Agilitest to work.

It is also possible from this interface to add Java execution arguments for the launch of tests by clicking on the "Add argument" button.

add argument

External connections

ATS Mobile Station servers

It is possible to set up an ATS Mobile Station server to automatically connect the set up server during your mobile tests.

By clicking "Add" button, you will be asked to enter the IP address and port, which will be retrieved directly from Mobile Station interface.

ats mobile station servers

You can check our documentation on mobiles tests.

GIT accounts

The Git account in Agilitest allows you to clone an existing Git account and thus use a Git project.

Click on the “Add” button to add an account

Git accounts

Then, enter your Git account information.

Git account entry

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