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Agilitest supports HTML SELECT components and combo boxes for Desktop applications. This is necessary because these components have a graphical interface and a particular behavior: they select one or more values from a drop-down list.
Create a Select action
There are two ways to create a Select action:
- From the action menu
To create a Select action, click on the “Select” action in the actions menu
2. With the capture of an element
First, you need to capture the element on which you wish to perform the action.
Once it is done, drop the element in the editor and choose the action Select.
💡 Tip
The SELECT action works just as well on a fully visible drop-down list as it does on a list that usually needs to be scrolled with a click. For the second option, you simply need to capture the main element of the list.
Three options are possible to select a component:
- With the index
- With the text
- With the value
Once the element has been selected, you can display the values and instructions to enter them by clicking on the "Load values" button.
You can click directly on these values to enter them instead of enter them manually. They will be adapted to the type of Selection chosen.
The values loaded correspond to the three options:
0-1-2-3 = Index
Volvo - Saab = Text
(volvo) - (saab) = Value
For the text and value selection you can use a regular expression, which is interesting to use in order to filtrer in a more flexible way.
You have also the possibility to “Keep other options selected” which can be applied in a case of a multiple choice list. It allows you to select multiple elements in a same list.
Index selection
The index corresponds to the position of the desired value in a drop-down list, starting from the top and beginning with 0.
Simply check the "Index" box and enter the desired value.
The index must not exceed the number of proposed values, otherwise no text will be selected.
In a drop-down list with 4 items: Volvo, Saab, Mercedes, Audi.
If you wish to retrieve the value "Mercedes", then you must enter the index "2", as it appears in 3rd position, but the count starts at 0.
Text selection
In a selection by text, the text will be selected if it corresponds to a possible option proposed by the drop-down list.
In a drop-down list with 4 items: Volvo, Saab, Mercedes, Audi.
If you wish to retrieve the value "Mercedes", enter the text "Mercedes" as it appears in the list.
Value selection
The value attribute is an additional value provided in the HTML code and linked to the displayed text. This allows you to select a text, but not to retrieve its value.
Once again, this value must be proposed for the corresponding text to be selected.