When you can enter text in an Agilitest action, it is possible to click on a button that will allow you to insert special values.
This will show you all the special values organized in a dedicated menu.
Among these special values are:
Environment variable
Environment variable are linked to the current execution.
They are found in the execution variables in the project builder.
To access it, click on "Executions management" in the project explorer.
This will open the project builder page where you can find the environment variables in the special values box.
You can find the same information about environment variables in the special values menu.
Script variable
The script variables correspond to the variables declared in a script.
In the editor, they can be found in the part dedicated to variables under the project explorer.
You can find the same information about script variables in the special values menu.
Script parameter
Script parameters are the parameters that are passed in a sub-script call.
They are found inside of the sub-script call action, in the added parameters.
You can find the same information about script parameters in the special values menu.
Assets file
The assets file corresponds to the path of all the files that are in the assets (Example: data, resources, etc...). This corresponds to the relative path taken by these files.
The values can be found in the project explorer, in the "Data files" view.
You can find the same information about assets file in the special values menu.
The passwords correspond to all the passwords entered in a project.
They can be found in the project properties page.
To access the properties, click on “Project properties” in the project explorer
In the properties you have access to the created passwords.
You can find the same information about passwords in the special values menu.
Channel values
These values correspond to the values returned by a running channel.
In a script that opens a "Chrome" channel,
If we ask to retrieve the value of the “Application name” in the special values,
Then the name of the application opened by the channel will appear.
🔸 Warning
If the channel is not started, then the value cannot be retrieved.
ATS script values
ATS script values are values that are only valued in a Java execution. They only appear when they are taken from the Top script in a Java execution.
Calculated values
The calculated values are summarized in a drop-down menu.
These values are: Now, Today, Unique ID, Random string, Current iteration, Iterations count