
Version management

Regular updates

Agilitest is a software solution that updates automatically as soon as it is launched. New versions are updated regularly, every one to three weeks.

Agilitest supports the latest browser versions, which is absolutely essential for checking changes and updating dirvers.

ATS and Agilitest editor

At launch, Agilitest begins by updating the ATS open-source library.

ATS is the open-source library that manages all the interfaces with the technologies supported by Agilitest and replays tests written in ATS format.

This update will enable Agilitest to use the latest version of ATS.

The Agilitest editor then updates itself: a welcome screen informs you that a new version is available, and suggests that you update it.

The content of the new version will also be presented in the ChangeLog, which includes the following elements:


Added: These are new functions that are not linked to existing functions.

Changed: New functions linked to existing functions and function extensions

Fixed: Functional bug fixes, feature corrections, technical improvements, etc.

Refuse the update

Naturally, you can refuse the update, but you should be aware that the impact is fairly limited, since it only concerns the editor and its functions: the ATS update is automatic.

If you decline the proposed update, a button will appear at the top right of the editor allowing you to update to the most recent version of Agilitest.

update button

Use a specific ATS version

It is perfectly possible to stabilise the use of a specific version of ATS by referencing the ATS library you want.

🔸 Warning

We don't recommend this because the changes in the editor and ATS are closely linked, but we do consider that this feature may be of interest to certain profiles. In general, you may not have access to certain recent features developed in the editor.

To specify the desired version of ATS, click on edit “Project properties

project properties

Then enter the version you wish to apply to your project.

project's ats version

If you want to let Agilitest manage the dependencies and automatically download the libraries required for the selected version, you can tick "Use Maven with Agilitest".

use maven button

Otherwise, you'll have to manually move the version to your .actionTestScript directory.

Finally, if the ATS version of the installed components is not the same as that of your project, Agilitest will indicate this by means of information panels in the properties tab and in the project banner of the project explorer.


💡 Tip

We recommend that you systematically update your version of the Agilitest editor and the ATS library it uses.

Configuration reset

Here how to reset your configuration:

  1. Uncross "Use Maven" in the project properties.
use maven button

        2. Delete the two directories libs and drivers (in your user directory under the .actionTestScript directory).

        3. Close and restart Agilitest.

        4. Check that the libraries are updated at start-up and downloaded in the "Settings" tab.

settings window

As well as in the “Tools

tools window

If not, click on the "Download" button

download button

How to use a specific Web driver version?

Agilitest supports the latest browser versions, which is absolutely essential for checking changes and updating dirvers.

However, you can change the version of your webdrivers.

To do that, you will need to modify the version of your drivers in the folder in which your Agilitest archive is located, in your Windows explorer.

Follow this path:


From there, you can change the version of the drivers with the version you want.

ATS vulnerability verification and management policy

Vulnerabilities in code can lead to a variety of problems, such as system integrity being compromised by an external source, integrated data or confidentiality being compromised, etc…

One of the latest known vulnerabilities is the "Apache Log4j" (December 2021), which affected Agilitest as well as several organisations, including the government.

Agilitest performs maintenance before each delivery to find these vulnerabilities, understand where they come from and fix them.

ATS versions are released approximately every one to three weeks through Maven, and some of these versions may contain vulnerabilities.

Analysis of these vulnerabilities involves two levels of research through the MVN repository and DockerScout.

MVN repository

From the MVN repository, you can view all the ATS dependencies.

mvn repository interface

In detail, for each version of ats, MVN repository can report the presence of vulnerabilities.


vulnerability in mvn repository

Version 2.9.3 have a vulnerability.

This was implemented just 10 days before moving on to 2.9.4, which corrected the vulnerability in the previous version.

To consult the versions of ATS and the vulnerabilities that may be present:


Docker is an image generation integration. A Docker image contains all the ATS components (ATS library, system drivers, web browsers, etc.) unlike Maven, which only contains the ATS library.

Agilitest uses the Dockerscout tool provided by Docker to analyse potential vulnerabilities.

There are four levels of vulnerabilites with a colour code from red to dark orange, light orange and yellow:

dockerscout interface
  • Critic
  • High
  • Medium
  • Low

Agilitest is committed to not delivering versions with critical vulnerabilities and to avoiding high-level vulnerabilities as much as possible. Nevertheless, the latter may be delivered for some time with a view to being removed in the next few days.

Medium and low vulnerabilities remain under vigilance.

To view Docker images that may contain vulnerabilities:

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